Friday 12 July 2013

Professor Robert Lopez Dissects Gay Extremism

The Oncoming Human Rights Crisis…Caused by the LGBT Movement

By Robert Oscar Lopez

It started, as so many human rights disasters do, in the name of love.  It was commonplace in the antebellum Americas to hear of plantation owners expressing love for their slaves.  Even Frederick Douglass admits that many times slaves, while alone, vied to see who could praise his master the highest.  Did not Robespierre begin with love for his countrymen?  For that matter, didn’t Castro?

History repeats. The movement to liberate same-sex love began because people loved each other.  Somehow, through convoluted digressions, it has become a tyrannical octopus seeking to control life and death itself.

The Rubicon was crossed when the gay movement sided with human trafficking; graft-ridden dirty deals with warlords for orphanages; bio-engineering, baby-farming, and emotional deprivation of innocent children by forcing them to replace a biological parent with a fictional same-sex partner.  Naturally, any child forced into such a psychically traumatic origin fantasy who feels resentful about it will be cursed by its caretakers as not only ungrateful, but also a homophobe.

A year ago, I was afraid to fight what is happening in the LGBT community.  Unaware of  what the response would be, I published some articles about being the product of gay parenting and received hundreds of e-mails from around the world pleading with me to fight against a growing human-rights crisis caused by the LGBT movement.  They wrote from so many places, so many countries; they had such eloquence and force; they were children of sperm donors, troubled adoptees, people agonized by the baby-farming in India and elsewhere, gays horrified at what is being done in the name of “gay families,” religious people, atheists, people who know for whatever reason that buying babies and erasing fatherhood or motherhood is not the fruit of love.

I cannot stay silent anymore.  My race forbids it; perhaps, being the descendant of Puerto Rican slaves and knowing that the LGBT movement is reducing people — children, sperm donors, surrogate mothers — to chattel.  I have assembled a document listing the main points of urgency.  I fear that the only movement that can take action would have to be global; in the United States, as I explain, the academy, the fourth estate, the democratic process, and the judiciary are all ill-equipped to stop what the LGBT movement is doing.

It didn’t have to happen this way.  As a child, I lived in a gay community that was still struggling and embattled.  My mother, a lesbian, was a survivor of tremendous repression and taught me to be a survivor, too.  It ended up that we were a gay household when nobody had a name for that.  If Wordsworth is right and the child is the father of the man, then I was molded as a sexual outsider looking in, gazing from a jealous fringe upon a world full of people who had the luxury to take their mannerisms and interactions for granted.

As a teenager, I remember when AIDs came.  To see people you love wither alone, forgotten, staving off death while also still crippled by stigmas — such moments teach you the importance of love in social change.

But then a funny thing happened to the gay world.  Love started to give way to hate.  There was a poignancy and grace about surviving in the earlier days of gay history.  By the late 1990s, an overfunded and politically connected elite had taken over gay rhetoric, claiming to speak in the name of everyone who had ever felt a forbidden love.  The elite stentorian agitators didn’t have elegance.  They hit people over the head.  They rounded up heaps of money, hobnobbed with celebrities and well-heeled politicians, and started spending too much time at galas to have any sense that they were becoming, to put it bluntly, disgusting.

Suicides committed by teenage boys they’d never otherwise deign to speak to, let alone think of, became martyrdoms to be brandished like sacrificial goats.  Then there was a reign of terror about sexual categories, which still persists: people who leave the gay lifestyle, people who had homosexual pasts but don’t wear them on their sleeve, people who want to have a choice about how to identify or at least allow choices to others, were all suddenly the enemy.

I saw the loving part drift off, the anima of a living soul being gently carried away like a cloud of mist, leaving only the animus behind.  I’d have to blink and remind myself I was simply looking at Hillary Rosen or Rachel Maddow.

What is the slogan that I speak of with greatest horror?  “I deserve the same rights as anyone else.”  That might be a harmless slogan, except not when the “right” you are referring to is the right to “build a family” to show that “you are capable of love.”

“I deserve the same rights” eventually means that a same-sex couple deserves to have a child provided to them, even though they can’t conceive it themselves.

If straight couples get to have undiluted custody of such a child, so should gay couples.  So they must have the “right” to enforce contracts preventing surrogate mothers from wanting their babies back, the “right” to have sperm banks operate and sell them sperm, the “right” to jump the queue in line for Catholic Charities, the “right” to farm babies in the third world, the “right” to extort gratitude from the children they’ve placed in these situations, and the “right” to blind a child to at least one of his or her biological parents.  If any of these “rights” is not held up with the full force of a state apparatus, then the slogan fails.  Hence, we see the case of Dred Scott revived.  To be treated as first-class citizens, gays need the government to cow their chattel into submission.

Underneath the appeals to “love” lies a morass of brutally gory market mechanisms, approaching science fiction.  The changes in gay culture have created a large pool of same-sex couples who not only want children without involving themselves with the opposite sex, but also feel that any qualms are banned forms of hate speech.  Meanwhile, a recent Gallup poll found that each generation of Americans is becoming gayer: now, over 6% of citizens under the age of 29 identify as LGBT.  As recently as three years ago, polling consistently found LGBTs to make up less than 2% of the population.

The fight for marriage has never been about marriage.  Marriage is the only way to have legal cover and shield themselves from criticism for their bioethical stunts.

Market demand is a powerful thing, and it is growing because of the increase in LGBT couples as well as the cultural messages convincing young gays that they will be given children or else society is oppressing them.  Here in Los Angeles, I’ve seen the eerie proliferation of designer babies in gayborhoods, and the increasingly anesthetized reaction of gay couples’ friends.  People go to third-world getaways to pick out babies, place ads for surrogates who can give them a certain eye color, and even collaborate with human trafficking.  Never forgetful of my own pains as a lesbian’s son in the 1970s, I see the faces of these gay couple’s children, and sometimes, I have to run away and cry.  I know the dazed glare, the powerlessness of these children, their helpless desire to please their parents, their fear of showing their parents any sign that the arrangement has been hurtful.

And yet, I can scarcely forget, this is only the beginning.  While some say “it gets better,” all signs show that it will grow far worse.  LGBT activists have been frustrated so far by the largest Western nations’ resistance to legalizing gay marriage.  In this table, a Francophone researcher discusses the gay-marriage statistics from Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Quebec.  Remember that France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy, the more populous nations of Europe, have still resisted full marriage equality.  Already in tiny Belgium, 5% of marriages are same-sex.  What will happen with the combined populations of Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, and the United States — 570 million people in all — legalize gay marriage, with 5% of that mass being same-sex couples looking to buy babies?

We are staring into the dawn of a new slave trade.  Rather than let the Middle Passage happen and then spend centuries trying to exonerate our nation, we must be “on the right side of history.”  Stop gay marriage — not because of hate for gay people, but because the machine that is turning people into chattel must be stopped.  The only way to break the cycle and wake everyone up is stop gay marriage.

Robert Oscar Lopez is a Professor of English at California State University and the author of Johnson Park.

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Wednesday 3 July 2013

An English Homosexual Speaks Out Against Gay Extremism

A courageous and intelligent English homosexual called Henry Wood put this post on the blog of Archbishop Cranmer today in response to a LGBT fanatic who was calling other people "bigots":-

Henry Wood said...

To BeeLZeeBub: Just what is "an obnoxious bigot"?

I am a gay man. I was gay when it was a criminal offence to commit a gay act in this country (UK). I was once told by a Met Police officer to "get back where I came from 'cos we've got enough of you poofs down here already." He slapped my face with his leather gloves as he told me this.

I have attended some gay "pride" marches both here, in the US and other countries.

What I have found over a long life is that the most obnoxious people I have ever encountered have been on those same "pride" marches. I witnessed open masturbation, anal intercourse and other obnoxious acts during some of these "pride" marches. I found very little to be proud of on any of them. People who wished to be "free to go about their daily business" were forced to take a detour to avoid the most blatant obscenities. And it was not verbal "crap being spewed at them", no. It was physical, in-your-face, like-it-or-lump-it crap that was being paraded before them. Even the presence of children did not stop the show going on. In fact, some children there seemed to have been brought to some of these exhibitions by some of the exhibitors and were even dressed in mini gay Barbie and Ken outfits.
The police (in all countries) stood by and never did a thing. They did not jump in and question gay exhibitors "if they would feed straight people who might be starving". And do you know why? Because no straight person observing this perverted exhibition dared approach an officer of the law to complain for fear of being arrested themselves.
Yes, changes needed to be made, but as in other walks of life the pendulum has swung too far. One day it will reach its return point. One day the worm will turn. I am glad I shall be well out of it when it happens.
To get back to my question to you, BeeLZeeBub, it seems to me you are the obnoxious bigot here.
3 JULY 2013 16:27

Thursday 30 May 2013

"French Spring" Rejects Gay Extremism

When the socialist government in France pushed through a law to redefine marriage in favour of homosexuals, it walked into a hornet's nest. Millions of people have joined a new movement called La Manif Pour Tous dedicated to defending natural marriage and the rights of children.
The movement is moderate, peaceful, mainstream and gaining ground all the time. Fed up of being insulted as "bigots" and "homophobes" the people of the really tolerant, liberal centre have stood up against homosexual extremism.
  The oppressive new law abolished the words mother and father, husband and wife, replacing them with Parent 1 and 2, or "partner". That is an insult to the 98% of normal people. It is an insult to nature. The legal status of children is being changed from being free citizens, born into the care of their biological parents, to that of being property, bought by rich homosexual couples who regard children as somehow their "right". That is intolerable.
In France last weekend two million people demonstrated against the oppressive new law that attacks the right of a child to have a mother and father. Over one million of them rallied in Paris and were brutally suppressed by police who subjected them to tear-gas, beatings, broken glass attacks and illegal arrests. Repeated student demonstrations against President Hollande have erupted uncontrollably.
The press have criminally ignored the repeated demonstrations and published ludicrous under-estimates of the numbers who attended. The truth is established by aerial photographs and personal testimonies. Twenty or more large streets and squares in the very centre of Paris were crammed with people and the police could not kettle them or control them.
When leaders of La Manif Pour Tous movement were attacked or threatened the media ignored it or falsified the facts. Samuel Lafont was one of three young protestors physically attacked and stabbed in the back in Paris by gay extremists, but the newspapers and TV did not report it. Instead the news has been spread by independent websites, and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

      Virginie Tellene, the founder of La Manif Pour Tous, has been bombarded with hate messages, abuse and death-threats from gay extremists, to the point where she had to stay away from the third rally on May 26th as she is under police protection.

The media which is so queer-controlled, daubed La Manif Pour Tous "fascist" or "far-right" but the credibility of the gay extremist movement is waning. The silent majority is saying "Enough is enough".
Sister groups for La Manif  Pour Tous have sprung up in Spain, Italy, Germany and Poland almost overnight. There is an all-european support group too. All this is very hopeful.

A group of young French protestors shout slogans against same-sex marriage at two government ministers in Paris and are dragged away violently by police.
28th May 2013
A young woman who was adopted herself explains why she thinks such children do need a mother and a father.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Despotic, Intolerant and Authoritarian...that's the "Gay" Movement

Brendan O'Neill is a left wing atheist. In this article he describes his reservations not only on the topic of gay marriage, but on the whole attitude of the LGBT movement, and its determination to stamp out all dissent.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Brendan O’Neill
Gay marriage: a case study in conformism
Anyone who values diversity of thought and tolerance of dissent should find the sweeping consensus on gay marriage terrifying.

I have been doing or writing about political stuff for 20 years, since I was 18 years old, during which time I have got behind some pretty unpopular campaigns and kicked against some stifling consensuses. But I have never encountered an issue like gay marriage, an issue in which the space for dissent has shrunk so rapidly, and in which the consensus is not only stifling but choking. This is the only issue on which, for criticising it from a liberal, secular perspective, I’ve been booed during an after-dinner speech and received death threats (‘If you’re dead, you can’t talk shit about gay marriage’). It’s the only issue on which both hard right-wingers and the wettest leftists have told me to STFU. It’s the only issue on which even friends have said, ‘Stop writing about it. It isn’t worth it.’
Many are commenting on the juggernaut-like rise to respectability of the gay marriage issue. Christopher Caldwell of the Weekly Standard says gay marriage has gone ‘from joke to dogma’ in a decade. Time magazine says there has been a ‘seismic social shift’ on gay marriage, which has been ‘as rapid and unpredictable as any turn in public opinion [in history]’. Another gay-marriage supporter says ‘the pace and scale at which acceptance of marriage equality has shifted is breathtaking’, which he puts down to the efforts of the warriors for ‘marriage equality’. There has been a ‘sea change’ in attitudes, commentators tell us, especially in political circles, where everyone who’s anyone (or who wants to be) now genuflects at the gay-marriage altar. Even Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, scourge of liberals everywhere, now accepts the idea of gay marriage, leading one observer to tell gay-marriage proponents: ‘Lay down your guns… the enemy has surrendered.’

How do we account for this extraordinary consensus, for what is tellingly referred to as the ‘surrender’ to gay marriage by just about everyone in public life? And is it a good thing, evidence that we had a heated debate on a new civil right and the civil rightsy side won? I don’t think so. I don’t think we can even call this a ‘consensus’, since that would imply the voluntaristic coming together of different elements in concord. It’s better described as conformism, the slow but sure sacrifice of critical thinking and dissenting opinion under pressure to accept that which has been defined as a good by the upper echelons of society: gay marriage. Indeed, the gay-marriage campaign provides a case study in conformism, a searing insight into how soft authoritarianism and peer pressure are applied in the modern age to sideline and eventually do away with any view considered overly judgmental, outdated, discriminatory, ‘phobic’, or otherwise beyond the pale.

The shift on gay marriage has truly been remarkable. Not only is gay marriage now fulsomely promoted by the ruling parties of both America and Britain, and in numerous other nations, but is also accepted even by those who once stingingly slated it. So David Frum, right-wing journalist turned speechwriter for President George W Bush, spent the late 1990s arguing against the newly emerging idea of allowing gays to get hitched; yet now, in the words of one columnist, he is ‘energetically urging Republicans to embrace the redefinition of marriage he once warned against’. American Republicans, especially young ones, are among the most effusive supporters of gay marriage.

In liberal political circles, there has been almost a lemming-like lining up behind gay marriage. So last month, when Hillary Clinton, following Barack Obama, came out in support of gay marriage, there was a domino effect, or what one commentator called a ‘remarkably rapid shift’, in the US Senate. In three weeks, 14 senators ‘followed suit’ with Clinton, which ‘amounts to a senator changing position on same-sex marriage on average every day and a half’, as one report put it. Such is the expectation that every decent politician will embrace gay marriage that this week the Guardian published an article headlined ‘The final three: the Democratic senators against gay marriage’. It demanded to know when these three, whom of course it named and shamed, will ‘toe the party line’. Yes, that’s right – such is the entrenched respectability of gay marriage that we now see articles about the peculiar people who oppose it rather than about what would once have been seen as the weird people promoting it. Opponents of gay marriage are now treated by the press in the same way queer-rights agitators were in the past: as strange, depraved creatures, whose repenting and surrender to mainstream values we await with bated breath.

There have also been massive shifts in public opinion. In the US, a recent ABC poll found that 58 per cent of Americans support gay marriage, compared with just 37 per cent a decade ago. A recent British poll found 62 per cent in support of gay marriage and 31 per cent against. A new book by Michael J Klarman, From the Closet to the Altar: Courts, Backlash and the Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage, documents the extraordinary rise of the gay-marriage idea in the US, where since 2009 there has apparently been a four-point rise in support for gay marriage every year. Some see this as a good thing; but I’m more inclined to agree with Christopher Caldwell, who says: ‘Public opinion does not change this fast in free societies. Either opinion is not changing as fast as it appears to be, or society is not as free.’

Certainly, the idea that the ‘seismic shift’ in political and public opinion is down to the fighting of gay-marriage campaigners is spectacularly unconvincing. One Guardian columnist, liberally borrowing from the black civil-rights movement, says the ‘breathtaking’ progress of the gay-marriage issue shows that Martin Luther King was right to say ‘the arc of history is long but it bends towards justice’; it shows what campaigners can achieve when they combine ‘idealism with action’. What action? Where? Bringing King into the picture only highlights the unusualness of the gay-marriage campaign: there has been no mass march on Washington for same-sex marriage; no streetfighting; no getting water-cannoned by the police, mauled by dogs, chased by the KKK, thrown in jail. There has been no real public action at all, certainly not of the sort that might have terrified the US Senate so much that its members felt the urge to bow one by one before the issue of gay marriage. If gay MLK-style campaigners are responsible for the transformation of gay marriage ‘from joke to dogma’, then they must have achieved it through osmosis, since they certainly didn’t do it through any kind of mass, messy uprising.
In truth, the extraordinary rise of gay marriage speaks, not to a new spirit of liberty or equality on a par with the civil-rights movements of the 1960s, but rather to the political and moral conformism of our age; to the weirdly judgmental non-judgmentalism of our PC times; to the way in which, in an uncritical era such as ours, ideas can become dogma with alarming ease and speed; to the difficulty of speaking one’s mind or sticking with one’s beliefs at a time when doubt and disagreement are pathologised. Gay marriage brilliantly shows how political narratives are forged these days, and how people are made to accept them. This is a campaign that is elitist in nature, in the sense that, in direct contrast to those civil-rights agitators of old, it came from the top of society down; and it is a campaign which is extremely unforgiving of dissent or disagreement, implicitly, softly demanding acquiescence to its agenda.

So for all the comparisons of the gay-marriage movement to the civil-rights movement, in fact the most striking thing about gay marriage is its origins among the elite. As Caldwell says, ‘never since the Progressive Era has there been a social movement as elite-driven as the one for gay marriage’. In his new book, Michael Klarman describes how judges, not streetfighthers, spearheaded the gay-marriage campaign; he even bizarrely calls judges a ‘distinctive subculture’ of the cultural elite, which ‘tends to be even more liberal than the general public on issues such as gender equality and gay equality’. Another favourable account of the rise of gay marriage notes how it was led by ‘lawyers and professors’, who counselled against engaging with the public since making ‘open demands for gay marriage [could] trigger a backlash’ (1).

The gay writer John D’Emilio has critiqued gay campaigners’ reliance on the courts, arguing that this ‘conviction that [the law] is the way to change the world… would have been considered unusual for much of American history’ (2). Yet this is where gay marriage emerged – in courtrooms and later in political committee rooms, among those apparently ‘more liberal than the public’ – and as Caldwell says: ‘When elites rally unanimously to a cause, it can become a kind of common sense.’ This was the first stage in the great conformism over gay marriage: its transformation into common sense through being adopted and promoted by a legal and political class keen to demonstrate its liberal credentials and to assume an historic, MLK-style posture in our otherwise flat, uninspiring and illiberal political era.

With gay marriage turned into ‘a kind of common sense’, opposing it became more difficult, potentially even threatening one’s social and moral standing. The ‘common sense’ of gay marriage has been turned into something like a dogma of gay marriage, in a very subtle way. So the very act of debating gay marriage has been implicitly demonised, since in the words of one observer, ‘The fact that there is a debate over whether to deny a group of people their civil rights is unacceptable’. Here, through further linking gay marriage to the old civil-rights movement, even discussion itself can be branded ‘unacceptable’.

Others say there should be no ‘acknowledgment of subtleties and cultural differences’ on gay marriage, since ‘there is a right answer’ on this issue. Those who insist on possessing ‘cultural differences’ on gay marriage – or even worse, opposing it – feel the fury of campaigners. A chicken restaurant in America was boycotted after its owner criticised gay marriage, while voters in American referendums who have said no to gay marriage have been called every name under the Sun by the respectable political and media classes: ‘ill-informed’, ‘deceived’, ‘plain ignorant’, ‘knuckle draggers’. This has the effect of beating down critical questioning. Gay marriage supporters actually boast of using moral pressure over political debate to win people’s acquiescence. Scientific American magazine recently discussed the apparently brilliant way that social media is being used to influence people’s ‘attitudes and behaviour’ on gay marriage. Everyone is ‘susceptible to the powers of peer pressure’, it said, so constantly saying favourable things about gay marriage on social-media websites can be a way of ‘send[ing] out a message about what’s acceptable, appropriate and… well, normal’. That is – never mind convincing someone with reason; just heavy-handedly let them know it’s normal to support gay marriage, and thus presumably abnormal to oppose it.

This is how conformism is forged and enforced today: elites devise an idea or campaign, far away from what one gay-marriage proponent calls ‘the tyranny of the majority’; that idea or campaign gets disingenuously depicted as something that protesters and campaigners demanded and actually put pressure on the elites to come up with; and through a process of debate-demonisation and pathologisation of dissent, through the treatment of acceptance as normal and criticism as abnormal, the idea or campaign is spread more widely through society. Eventually, in the words of Caldwell, even those who are unsure about gay marriage ‘quell their natural misgivings’. Indeed, when I interviewed the British pop star Dappy recently, and asked him if he supported gay marriage, he said: ‘I want to say no… but I get so much stick already. So say “yes”. Definitely say “yes”.’ How many other people are saying ‘yes’ not because they believe in gay marriage, but because they don’t want, in Caldwell’s words, to be thought of as ‘losers’ who have failed to ‘emulate their betters’?

The conformism around gay marriage cannot be put entirely down to handfuls of campaigners, of course, and certainly not to any conscious attempt on their part to enforce political and moral obedience. The fragility of society’s attachment to traditional marriage itself, to the virtue of commitment, has also been key to the formulation of the gay-marriage consensus. Indeed, it is the rubble upon which the gay-marriage edifice is built. That is, if lawyers, politicians and our other assorted ‘betters’ have successfully kicked down the door of traditional marriage, it’s because the door was already hanging off its hinges, following years of cultural neglect. It is society’s reluctance to defend traditional views of commitment, and its relativistic refusal more broadly to discriminate between different lifestyle choices, that has fuelled the peculiar non-judgmental tyranny of the gay-marriage campaign, which judges harshly those who dare to judge how people live. Through a combination of the weakness of belief in traditional marriage and the insidiousness of the campaign for gay marriage, we have ended up with something that reflects brilliantly John Stuart Mill’s description of how critical thinking can cave into the despotism of conformism, so that ‘peculiarity of taste, eccentricity of conduct, are shunned equally with crimes, until by dint of not following their own nature, these [followers of conformism] have no nature to follow’.

Brendan O’Neill is editor of spiked. Visit his personal website here.

(1) Gay Marriage: For Better or for Worse? What We’ve Learned from the Evidence, William N Eskridge Jr and Darren R Spedale, Oxford University Press, 2006

(2) ‘Will the courts set us free?’, in Craig A Rimmerman and Clyde Wilcox (eds), The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage, University of Chicago Press, 2007

 Spotlights "the weirdly judgmental non-judgementalism of our PC times"

Tuesday 14 May 2013

How "Gay" Activists Silence the Voice of Reason, by John McKellar

John McKellar, the Canadian founder of Homosexuals Against Pride Extremism, (HOPE)  wrote this witheringly honest account of what he hates about the LGBT movement.
Mr McKellar is a homosexual himself, he is not in the closet and he is not "self-loathing". He just thinks he had enough rights long ago for any reasonable person to be happy. He hates lies and anti-social behaviour.

The radical left in Canada continues shout out Conservatives on the same-sex marriage debate. We saw this yesterday when Jason Kenney said homosexuals have equal opportunity under current laws to marry. The problem was not the message, but the messenger. When conservatives stand up to denounce the gay agenda, the gay and lesbian advocates shout them out with screams of intolerance. Why then do the liberal media not report on members of the gay community who speak out on gay activism?

One person the mainstream press has ignored is John McKellar, president of Homosexuals Opposed to Pride Extremism (HOPE). Thismodern day John the Baptist is the product of Toronto’s gay and lesbian community. John had his first homosexual encounter when he was 16, but he did not come out of the closet until he was 18.

More interesting than John McKellar’s sexual orientation is what he has to say about gay activism. He denounces the mainstream gay lifestyle saying, "Compulsive, anonymous sex in bathrooms and parks is much more common than the media want to admit.” He describes bathrooms as "dirty, with a stench of amyl nitrate and human feces. Amyl nitrate was snorted to get a longer lasting erection, and anal sex was going on all the time, with or without condoms. Some men would hang out in the bathhouse all night and have sex with up to six different partners. It was animalistic."

On the recruitment of children, McKellar says that the gay community sees it as necessary to "get the children when they are young to make gay positive recruits, even if they don't necessarily become gay themselves. This is why they want homosexuality and all its perversions taught to the children at the earliest possible age."

Regarding pedophiles - and while admitting that a number of gay publications and organizations support the abolition of age of consent laws, and that pedophiles are more free to express their views in the gay community than elsewhere - McKellar believes that the majority of homosexuals are not supportive of the pedophile agenda.

On transsexuals, McKellar says he feels the most sorry for transsexuals. "They, more than anyone else, are the most neurotic, into drugs, alcohol, and prostitution, as they are totally messed up about their sexuality." As for tax-funded sex change operations, he says, "I don't believe in a lot of gay medicine; it's more mutilation than medicine. The gay community is more well-funded than any else; it should pay for its own elective procedures."

On sadomasochists and leather men, "their thing is sexual domination and submission. They, too, have an immature and unhealthy fixation on their sexuality." McKellar says these groups often practice very dangerous forms of sex as "they have walked on the wild side, and once they have broken one set of taboos, they have to move on to breaking another set to get any sexual satisfaction."

John McKellar sums up gay activism by saying, “I just ignored the gay activists, as they never had anything to say to me or for me. As time went on, especially with the advent of the AIDS epidemic, I came to realize how monomaniacal and nihilistic they were becoming.”

So when a gay Canadian describes the gay lifestyle in these terms, why is it so controversial for a Conservative to say, “Homosexuals have the same right to marry as everyone else, so long as they marry someone of the opposite sex”?

The "Gay" Takeover of America, by Crystal Wright

The "Gay" Takeover of America by Crystal Wright. 9th May 2013.

Crystal Wright, a black Republican woman from Washington DC, has written this intelligent, well-observed protest against the spread of homo-extremism in the USA. She could say this of many  Western countries. Liberal and left-wing politicians are scared to admit there is any such thing as "gay" extremism.

Crystal Wright

Crystal Wright

 Crystal is a communications consultant and editor and publisher of the new website, Ms. Wright holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Georgetown University and a Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre from Virginia Commonwealth University.

What is happening to our country? Gays, who represent less than 3% of our population, are trying to dominate our culture and society. Love whom you want. Love the one you’re with. People don’t really care. This is the message most people want to say but are afraid to because the LBGT (lesbian, bi-sexual, gay and transgender) community will verbally flog anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Between gay marriage, gay adoptions, forcing the Boy Scouts to admit gay scouts and scout masters, and lauding a rich NBA player for announcing he’s gay, the message is clear from gay America to the 97% of the rest of us. You will accept our lifestyle as mainstream. My response: “No I won’t.”
Notice when anyone rejects this gay agenda because of their religious beliefs or personal views, they are called bigots, or mocked. Appearing on Meet the Press May 5, 2013, Republican Newt Gingrich noted the Catholic Church is prohibited from performing adoption services in states like Massachusetts and the District of Columbia because the Church will only allow a married couple (by definition a man and woman) to adopt a baby. This is a perversion of societal norms all in the name of liberals forcing their political correctness down America’s throat whether her people have an opinion about it or not.
Liberals are eager to help the “gay lobby” with its takeover of America. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced March 29, 2013 plans to consider allowing Medicare to pay for sex change surgeries and invited public comments on the topic. Later that day, HHS abruptly pulled the proposal. While the agency said it was due to “an administrative challenge” of Medicare’s 1981 decision not to cover such operations, it seems news coverage of HHS’ proposal had something to do with its about face. I doubt Republicans in Congress would think sex change operations were a good use of taxpayer money.
There’s more. Democratic Senators are pushing to include a "gay couple's" provision in the comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Bowing to the gay strong-arming, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy will offer up the amendment, Uniting Americans Family Act, when the committee votes on the bill. The amendment allows “foreign same sex partners” of legal US residents or citizens to come to America and get a green card. Talk about a target for fraud. What test will the government use to certify people are gay and “permanent partners” and NOT people posing as gay to game the system?
As if the bill didn’t have enough problems with its amnesty push for over 11 million criminals and 301 amendments, Senators thought let’s make it even more outrageous. Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy said he didn’t believe the gay partner provision will kill the bill. No, the immigration bill will die a slow death like the Senate’s gun bill did because it’s mired in mud.
Even though the jobless rate has stayed above 7.5% for the past five years and remains on track to be the longest period of persistent unemployment in 70 years, Democrats want to extend amnesty to as many people possible who aren’t even in the US yet. What’s next? Allowing relatives of foreign gay partners to come here too? The liberal logic is beyond nonsensical it’s downright comical.
No matter how many TV shows are produced about gay couples being married and raising children, or phones calls made by president Obama to gay athletes, homosexuality will never be the majority in our culture. I think it’s high time the 97% of the rest of heterosexual America stand up for the preservation of American society not the distortion of it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Canadian Homosexual Criticizes Gay Extremism

Canadian John McKeller is a well-known homosexual and leader of HOPE (Homosexuals Opposed to Pride Extremism). 

His article written in 2003 is a good  definition of "gay" extremism and provides a sensible, moderate view to counter-balance the bizarre nutcases who are trying to dominate the media and impose their agenda.

Let me assure you, even as a young, radical college student, I had no time for the clubby, leftist lemmings who comprised the early gay activists. They were dull, they were depressing, they always looked and acted as if they were born to be offended and victimized, they could never discourse for more than 5 minutes without hitting some tiresome barrier of resentment or ideology. So basically, I just avoided and ignored them because they had nothing to say to me or for me. Neither I, nor those I gravitate towards as friends or associates, wear the mantle of victimhood particularly well. If I'm harassed or discriminated against, I get more satisfaction from dealing directly with the problem myself. That's what builds character and prepares one for the roadblocks of life that everybody faces - not just gays and lesbians - everybody.

Occasionally, someone will try to tweak me by saying, 'come on John, if it weren't for the activists, you couldn't write or speak as you do'. Well, alleluia baby! And if it weren't for the Suffragettes, I probably wouldn't be here today either. Any successful movement must have a beginning and an end, and must focus on worthwhile goals. In 1967, Pierre Trudeau supposedly liberated us when he said "the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation". Subsequently, matters of privacy and discrimination were laudably and necessarily dealt with in the early 1970's. But today, the bedrooms of the nation are in everybody's faces. Today, it's all about benefits, privileges, social engineering, nihilism and redefining normalcy.

Today, it's all about blurring every distinction between personal and political issues and vigorously stifling any attempts at discussion or debate. Believe me, my life would be much simpler if I didn't have to contend with all of this. But how can I sit still when my public image is embarrassingly represented by a small but vociferous clique of radicals bent on making the whole world their closet? How can I sit still when the mainstream media constantly gives unequivocal support to the lies, myths, distortions and propaganda of modern gay activism? How can I sit still when my freedoms are being threatened and the traditions and institutions of my country are being compromised?

So I formed HOPE (Homosexuals Opposed to Pride Extremism) to give a voice to gays and lesbians who choose to live with dignity and discretion, who don't wake up every day looking for discrimination under the bed, and who don't go running to the governments, the courts or the human rights commissions for a lifetime of therapeutic preferences.

The 19th century writer, Oscar Wilde, is revered by many in the gay and lesbian community but, believe me, if he were alive now, he'd be totally exasperated with the whining, hysterical malcontents who dominate today's gay lobby. The unhappy truth is that homosexuality will never be fully accepted by the heterosexual majority who are obeying the dictates not of 'bigoted' society or religion, but of procreative nature. Whatever society teaches or doesn't teach about homosexuality, no gay or lesbian, surrounded overwhelmingly by heterosexuals, will feel at home in his or her sexual and emotional world, even in the most tolerant of cultures.

At a young age we learn the rituals of deceit, impersonation and appearance, and anyone who believes political, social or even cultural revolution will change this fundamentally is denying reality. Yet, this alienation and desperation deepens our artistic insight and allows us to create civilization. Look at such historical icons as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Tchaikovsky, Somerset Maugham, Gore Vidal - who were homosexual and who undoubtedly experienced hardship and repression. But look what they gave to the world. Look how they advanced the cultural heritage. They were too creative, cultivated and cosmopolitan to be concerned with the trivialities of sexual pride, queer studies, diversity and whatever other pop-culture banality dominates our modern landscape.

To my radical brothers and sisters, sexual orientation is not only a lifestyle, but a religion and a career. It's their whole identity. How absurd and how sad. From the exalted creativity of the Renaissance, to the vulgarity of Gay Pride, we've managed to dumb ourselves down to the level of barnyard animals. We've also managed to overpoliticize and polarize viewpoints, labelling people pro-gay or anti-gay with little room between.

As an openly gay male, I have no problem conceding that heterosexuality is and always will be the great human norm. But I'm sick and tired of a media culture that faciley equates homosexuality with heterosexuality and asks no deep questions about human psychology beyond the superficial liberal-vs-conservative, freedom-vs-oppression dichotomy. And I'm sick and tired of the sentimental, feel-good, liberal propaganda that conceals and denies the blatant Roman Empire decadence and compulsive, tunnel- vision promiscuity of so many gay men's lives.

In 1998, I was invited to write an op-ed piece for the Ottawa Citizen in which I criticised the extremism and excesses of Gay Pride. Now I don't really expect everyone to agree with my outspoken opinions and I certainly welcome challenge, confrontation and opposition. But the very day the article appeared, the self-annointed leaders of the gay community demanded a meeting with the publisher and editor of the newspaper and demanded to know why they printed my essay. What a joke! What a hissy fit! They could easily shut me up by smartening up, but they are so blinded by their fanaticism that they don't realize that every time they resort to these Stalinist tactics, they make me look good. They give me credibility and justification.

Another egregious example of media bias is the ever partial-reporting of the Matthew Sheppard murder.* For sure, this was a brutal and barbaric crime and I'd be happy to see his killers fry. But I'm also disturbed at the canonization of Matthew as the patron saint of hate crimes. His sexual proclivity was cruising for "rough trade", which means he was attracted to his assailants precisely because they were scuzzy punks whose look and manner vitually screamed trouble. He doesn't deserve to burn in hell as Fred Phelps constantly rages. But rational public discourse about his destructive behavior could help save lives - especially among gay youth. So shame on the media for placing political correctness ahead of safety and responsibility. 

Now if you happen to be the mayor of any municipality, don't even think about not issuing an official proclamation for gay pride, unless you want to find yourself in front of a human rights tribunal. I realize that Kelowna has managed to dodge this bullet for the time being, but there will be other years, other events and other mayors, and who knows what the future will bring. But this relentless effort toward mass education and forced compliance cannot be achieved without fascist obliteration of all individual freedoms.

One could fairly and legitimately ask, who appointed HOPE or John McKellar to speak on behalf of any segment of the gay and lesbian community. A more pertinent question would be, 'who authorized lobby groups, such as GALE BC, to bring their self-serving agenda and their cultural angst into the schools?' And how thoroughly have these activists been qualified and scrutinized? HOPE is non-partisan, non-sectarian, unattached to all intents and purposes, and seeks not to indoctrinate or reform, but to comment, criticize and inform. I have often expressed the unfortunate, but undeniable truth, that the number of times one was called 'faggot' in the schoolyard is directly proportionate to the stridency of one's activism. So, special interest groups, such as GALE BC, are comprised mostly of wounded and resentful individuals who should be receiving counselling and compassion, rather than trying to dispense it.

You don't need gay activists to teach young people love and respect for one another. And you certainly don't want young, impressionable minds forever inculcated with a victim and entitlement mentality. When you fancy yourself an oppressed minority - particularly one that is based on a basic human drive and compulsion - you become obsessed with increasing your numbers and mainsteaming your behaviour.

You try to evoke guilt and intimidation by incessantly reiterating banal epithets, such as 'hate', 'homophobia', 'intolerance', 'teen suicide' and 'self-esteem'. You quickly discover that the optimum way to ensure future supporters to your cause and ideology is through the minds of the young. You skillfully master the techniques of invoking sympathy, hiding the truth and presenting a sanitized portrait of gay life.

Introducing kindergarten and grade one students to alternative behaviours and lifestyles is psychological pedophilia. You don't have to engage solely in physical contact to molest a child. You can diddle with their minds and their emotions. And this is exactly what some of my radical brothers and sisters are up to. And this is exactly what a disheartening majority of educators, school trustees and teachers unions endorse.

Spare me the tolerance and compassion bunkum. Just leave the kids alone and let them enjoy their short period of innocence and sexual latency. Then when they approach puberty, balance the pop-culture bombardment with messages of abstinence, discipline and self-control. Don't just assume that all teens are out-of-control hormone factories and that all you can do is shrug your shoulders and throw condoms at them.

Listen, I'll donate $100 to their favorite charity if anyone can show me a scientific study that proves condoms prevent the transmission of HIV. And the fabricated slogan 'safe-sex' is dangerous, misleading and designed to preserve lifestyle, not life. HOPE recommends that Dr Jeffrey Satinover's lucid and scholarly book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, be compulsory reading at the secondary school level. But over and above everything, tell the truth and present the facts. Stop presenting young gay men as pretty 'St Sebastians', martyred by benighted homophobes and the big bad authorities, and instead, reflect on Oscar Wilde's hedonistic Dorian Gray, confronting his spiritual failures in his corroding portrait.

One of the most hauntingly memorable days of my life - which I recall as if it were yesterday - occurred in 1981 during a conversation with a friend, whose cousin was a physician in New York City. My friend told me there was a mysterious 'gay cancer' running through the homosexual community in Manhatten, which was spread by anal sex, which produced lesions on the skin, which weakened the immune system by destroying white blood cells and which was 100% fatal.

Let me assure you that as young, naive and perpetually horny as I was, that single conversation was all that was needed to put enough fear into me to forever alter my sexual activities. The phrase 'safe-sex' had not yet been coined, but believe me, I was practising it! But it was with great dismay that I watched the ravages of AIDS spread like wildfire and it was with great contempt that I observed how the activists carved careers for themselves, making a political circus out of this disease and trampling on the rights of the majority. Here we were confronted with the most easily preventible, difficult to acquire, behaviourally caused, fatal disease in the history of humankind - and look how the gay leadership responded to it.

To them, it was more important to change the name of this disease, which was originally called GRID (gay related immune deficiency), to the 'less homophobic' AIDS. To them it was more important to fight for the rights and the protection of those who suffer from this disease than to fight for the health and safety of the entire population. To them it was more important to canonize the victims of this disease with commemorative walls, memorial quilts, vigils and galas than to condemn the behaviour that resulted in their death. To them, it was more important to distibute condoms than to declare a moratorium on promiscuous anal sex. Shame.

I can recall numerous times sharing with friends my bewilderment and frustration over why traditional public health measures for combating epidemics were not deployed against AIDS. Sixty years ago, those afflicted with tuberculosis had their homes quarantined and fifty years ago, public swimming pools were closed during the polio epidemic. Throught the sexual revolution of the 1960's and 1970's, there was stringent and systematic follow-up for all those infected with gonorrhea, syphilis and herpes. But at a National AIDS Conference in Denver Colorado in 1983, gay leaders declared, 'we oppose any legislative attempts to close private clubs or bathhouses...we should never forget that we live in a homophobic society and that homophobia is the major threat to our health'.

This childishly self-serving attitude sealed the fate of the gay communities still free of the virus. Wth less than 2000 cases nationwide, drastic measures...the declaration of a health emergency in the affected areas, the closing of the bathhouses, testing among those at risk, contact tracing to warn those in the path of the infection... might have stemmed the tide of the epidemic and eventually saved tens of thousands of lives. Yet, gay leaders remained adamantly opposed to these measures because of the perceived stigmatization of the gay lifestyle.

So, as I observed the inexorable spread of AIDS and the effects of the gay left to control, weaken and obstruct the measures to combat it, I could easily extrapolate the numbers who were going to die. By doubling the 2000 existing cases every six months for the next ten years, I was able to calculate (accurately in hindsight) that by 1994 there would be 200,000 people - mostly gay men, mostly in the bloom of youth - who were going to die for an idea of liberation. And there wasn't a damn thing I or anyone else could do about it! Sure, Ronald Reagan may have been unconcerned and uncommunicative about AIDS, but as my aforementioned sister in solidarity, Camille Paglia, has stated, 'the delusional arrogance of the gay lobby unleashed the 20th Centuries second holocaust'.

So where are we in 2003? Well, we still have 20-year-olds, who weren't even born when AIDS first appeared in North America, becoming infected with HIV. We continue to introduce new, potent and costly anti-HIV drugs, none of which destroy the virus, but which give gay males a false confidence, which leads to high-risk behaviour. We have an increasing number of gay websites, phonelines and classifieds promoting the growing desire for 'bareback sex' and 'extreme sex'. And even at the Annual Global Conference on AIDS, the nightlife is more noteworthy than the daytime activities. The discos are packed with gay doctors, nurses, activists and researchers shamelessly cruising one another, and likewise, the bathhouses do land-office business. So, in spite of the solemnity and tragedy in dealing with a wasteful and fatal disease, the hedonistic, promiscuous, sex-carnival atmosphere never lets up.

Of course, it's no accident or coincidence that the major sponsors of World AIDS Day and the ubiquitous Walk For AIDS are the international pharmaceutical companies and the condom manufacturers. And it's neither callous nor cynical to point out that there are big bucks to be made from each new AIDS patient. But in North America, this is still a gay male disease, and while present sufferers deserve comfort and care, there needs to be far more emphasis placed on prevention than on cure.

My activist brothers and sisters, along with their ever-willing accomplices in media and academia, relentlessly drum into the public psyche that homosexuality is 'not a choice', because no-one would choose to be gay in a homophobic society. First of all, there is an element of choice in all behaviour. Secondly, despite media fanfare and trendy hypotheses, there is no conclusive scientific evidence as to the biological, genetic, psychological and social influences on sexual orientation. The modern change in opinion concerning homosexuality, though presented as scientific advance, is contradicted rather than supported by science. Once again, we have a transformation in public morals consistent with widespread abandonment of the Judeo-Christian ethics upon which our civilization is based. Though hailed as 'progress', it is really a reversion to ancient pagan practices supported by a counter- culture restatement of gnostic moral relativism.

The average person comprehends neither the complexities of good scientific research nor the extent to which politics has corrupted the scientific process. For instance, it was strictly politics and nary a speck of science that motivated the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. So, that begs the question, do I consider myself mentally ill? Perhaps by the time I finish here today, some of you may think so. Seriously though, we are all born incomplete and vulnerable to compulsive and addictive behaviour. As I said previously with respect to 'pride', it's a constant struggle; you either control it or it controls you.

My friend and colleague in the trenches, Reverend Ken Campbell, has often publically said that when he was a college student, his natural inclination was to chase every skirt. That's because young males are constitutionally prone to libidinal excess. The overwhelming power of sexual gratification, makes it highly susceptible to becoming compulsive and addictive. But as human beings, we possess the intellect and the free will to exercise restraint. Until AIDS came along, male homosexuality had no inherent biological controls and so the use of the body seemed unlimited. Then came the Apocalypse: a complete systems breakdown of the body which lost its defences against nature. And the the ugliness and premature ageing of this wasteful disease were especially painful and grotesque in view of gay men's historic idealization of youth and beauty.

Gay activists become particularly hysterical at the mention of sexual reversion therapy. Now it may be impractical to 'convert' totally from homosexuality to heterosexuality, but if counselling can allow a gay man to respond sexually to women, it should be encouraged and applauded, not lambasted or lampooned. If a gay male wants to marry and sire children, he shouldn't be harassed by gay activists accusing him of 'self-hatred'. Come on! Is gay identity so fragile that it cannot bear the thought that some people may not want to be gay? Or that a woman's power should not be ignored, especially in the context of raising children.

The difficulties in changing sexual orientation do not spring from its genetic innateness. Sexuality is highly fluid, and reversals are theoretically possible. However habit is refractory, once the sensory paths have been blazed and deepened by repetition - something that is also evident in the struggle with obesity, smoking, alchoholism or drug addiction.

The obscene contention made by most activists that constructive and rational opposition to sexual conduct is tantamount to anti-semitism or other forms of racism, is not only intellectually dishonest, but insultingly disrespectful to Blacks, Jews and other minorities. Discrimination against skin colour, ethnicity or religion is not wholly comparable to the complicated resistance of virtually all societies in history to open homosexuality, which involves thorny questions of morality and psychology. There has never been a gay leader remotely near the stature of Martin Luther King or Ghandi, both of whom drew upon the profound spiritual traditions of religion, to which gay political rhetoric has always been childishly hostile. Remember, it was the influence of the Quakers in 18th century Britian and the flamboyent, thunderous activism of Evangelicals in 19th century America that powered the abolitionist movement and led to the end of slavery.

No major world religion has ever endorsed homosexuality which can be openly practised only in peaceful, affluent and cosmopolitan times. Even in classical antiquity, homosexuality was controversial, and despite the exaggerated claims of today's partisans, there was no place or period where it flourished in complete freedom from moral opprobrium. History shows that male homosexuality flourishes with urbanization, soon becomes predictably ritualized and always tends toward decadence. So my radical brothers and sisters should stop bitching about sincere Christians, Jews and Muslims who are merely exercising their constitutional right to free speech, and whose vast philosophical perspective easily triumphs over the provincialism and amorality of the gay world. Indeed, their position is far more credible and honest than the tortuous casuistry of self-interested clerics who take the path of least resistance by creating their own church, tailor-made to affirm their Rainbow philosophy.

The prominent recurring theme in the materials presented by gay advocates seems to revolve around the acceptance of same-sex families. This approach is clearly less controversial than attempting to discuss specific sexual practices and, of course, one can candy coat the agenda with cute titles and seemingly innocuous storynlines (such as Blue Dads... Green Dads... Pink Dads). But it is still an attempt to undermine the traditional family and to inure young, fresh minds to the current ethos that same-sex parenting is equivalent to opposite-sex parenting. Once you have effectively broken one of societies' taboos, others will fall away easily and rapidly. Children must not be used as guinea pigs for social engineering experiments.

Children need a biological mother and father. We know that this is not always possible, even in the context of opposite-sex marriage, but we don't solve the problem or alleviate the inconsistency by adding to it. Self-interested partisans will manufacture statistics to support their specious claims that children of same-sex marriages fare as well as those of opposite-sex marriages. However, the phenomenon of same-sex parenting doesn't have the longevity needed for such conclusive evidence, whereas the experience of single parent families has, not always, but often shown detriment to the development of the offspring.

So what about those gays and lesbians who really want to raise a family? Some of us have 'baby envy'; it's intrinsic to our species. Some of us feel excluded and stigmatized. Too bad! Since when does everybody get everything they want? Laws are written for the good of all society and not for the individual, the special rights advocates or the legal radicals. The true libertarian recognizes that we are first of all social, interdependent beings - free, but also bound.

And because human community can only arise from some prevailing unity, society always has a natural and logical primacy over the individual. For the true libertarian, there is a connected stream of virtues, standards and institutions that must be distinguished and protected. And if we ignore the lessons of history and natural law, then everything becomes legal and everything becomes moral, and civilization descends into chaos.

Last December, I wrote an article for Ethics and Medics entitled, 'The Irony of Same-Sex Marriage'. And the irony that seems to be lost among most media and politicians is that for a long time the gay press has been replete with articles, letters and editorials sneering at the whole concept of gay marriage. Clearly, most of us don't want anything to do with it. Even lesbian icons, such as Jane Rule, stridently dis the entire notion. We neither need nor want the state in our bedrooms. We neither need nor want to be shackled by rules regulations or paperwork.

We've already won the same-sex benefits battle, so there's no longer concern over matters of pensions or estates. And other than the legal radicals, who hone their skills contesting these issues. the right to marry is being fought by a tiny minority, most of whom are already hitched, their youth gone, their kids growing or grown, and their parents shrinking before their very eyes. So for the sake of 'choice and diversity' for a few, a lot of time, energy and money that should be going to help the truly disenfranchised, is being wasted.

Ladies and gentlemen, real affliction out there is not 'homophobia', but rather, 'truthphobia'.

John McKellar 
National Director, HOPE

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* It later emerged that the murder of Matthew Shepard had nothing to do with his homosexuality. He was mugged by strangers who had no idea whether he was heterosexual or not.

This Is Gay Extremism

'Gay' atheist warns of 'tyrannous new liberal morality' oppressing Christians.

People sometimes ask me "what is gay extremism?"
One of the best answers was given by a prominent homosexual academic, the Oxford University historian David Starkey, when he appeared on BBC TV in 2011. On the programme Question Time, he said, "It seems to me that what we are doing is producing a tyrannous new morality that is every bit as oppressive as the old." 
 This new morality calls itself "liberal" and even described what it was doing as "human rights" but Starkey disagreed. He disapproved of the way that aggressive homosexuals were taking away the right of others to follow their own lifestyles, their own values and their own mores. He pointed out that the new regime of enforcement, spying and penalizing people for trangressing LGBT values or offending "gays" was a new form of tyranny and oppression. Starkey recalled how in his youth homosexuals had not been free to pursue their lifestyle and he said that now that they were, the past did not justify imposing tyranny on others.
     In fact it should make them all the more careful not to do so. Gay extremists are keen to use courts and litigation to compel others to accept and participate in their lifestyle, dismissing any other view, even that of a majority of the world, as "bigotry". They call this equality but it is not  - it is  gay extremism. Starkey said that what society should seek is a genuine "plurality" so that people can follow mores that are equal but DIFFERENT. It is not only Christians who are threatened by this, but the vast majority of people who do not want to be dictated to by a minority.
As a historian, Professor Starkey is of course accustomed to taking a detached and long-term view of human affairs, not merely the fashionable views and prejudices of one generation.

    We on this blog applaud what Starkey said and we take it as our definition. We believe that true respect and tolerance have to be MUTUAL.